The Atlantic Strength Meeting




We are all experiencing difficult and challenging times in the current Covid-19 pandemic. While this can be a very frightening time it can also give us an opportunity to reflect on our own health and lifestyle and start to make positive changes to strengthen our immune system!


Let’s have an amazing meeting this Friday, 3rd April @ 8pm = 20:00h!!!! Online on meeting ID: 984-188-629 (install App on Phone tablet or PC!) full instructions at the end


The motto for the meeting is: Strengthen our health and our immune system for the times we are in: hear how we as health professionals can lead the way!


Considering the above the order of the meeting shall be:


20:00h: Immunity: (Dr Ulrich Bartels)


  • Covid19 attack: how does it overcome our defences; why do people get seriously ill

  • How can we strengthen our immune system?


20:20h: Exercise: (Dr Noel McCaffrey, CEO ExWell)


  • How exercise strengthens the immune system

  • How exercise treats / improves chronic conditions

  • The Online exercise programme ExWell starting now

  • The on site ExWell programme already in Dublin and to start in Lough Lannagh in September


20:40: Non-Communicable diseases: (Alan Caheny, Plant Based Nutrition)


  • How these increase susceptibility to a severe course of Covid19

  • How they can be treated by whole food plant-based diet


21:00: The Plant Based Atlantic Challenge: Introduction by the The Happy Pear Team


Sign up for the challenge here:


21:10: The 4 week plant based challenge results from Devon (Dr Alan Desmond)






Dr Ulrich Bartels: consultant obstetrician & gynaecologist in Mayo University Hospital and graduate of Winchester University’s certificate of Plant based nutrition; sustainable diet for optimal health


Dr Noel McCaffrey: Noel was awarded an All Star for his performances for Dublin in 1988; He is a lecturer in the School of Health and Human Performance in Dublin City University. Dr McCaffrey is the director of Exwell medicine. He is a Sports Medicine Consultant to Cappagh Orthopaedic Hospital and a medical consultant to Riverdance. Presently works in minor injuries unit in the Mater.


Alan Caheny: studied Health Promotion in Sligo and is holding the Plant based certificate from the T. Colin Campbell centre for nutrition. He also has furthered his studies in Raw Food Nutrition and Eating Physiology and completed an MSc in Public Health Nutrition.


Steve & Dave Flynn


Dr Alan Desmond: Consultant Gastroenterologist in Devon; both NHS and private:








Instructions to join the meeting


Atlantic Health Study Day
Fri, Apr 3, 2020 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM (BST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
+353 15 360 756
United States:
+1 (669) 224-3319

Access Code: 984-188-629

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:




How we got into this situation:




Further information:


How to reduce your risk of severe illness (covid19 and others!)
Or what determines Corona Virus survival: Here is a comprehensive explanation:
The virus takes hold via receptors on the cells and makes the infected cell reproduce the virus. However, it is the bodies inflammatory response that damages the lungs. Therefore a healthy immune response is vital: as shown in my previous post, a diet rich in vitamins and minerals provides your immune system with the necessary tools to fight this excessive inflammation…/…/abs/pii/S0965229914001836…
In particular, the immune system of older people can be improved:
The reason why older people are more susceptible to poor outcomes after Covid-19 largely related to  a dysfunctional immune system as explained above and preexisting conditions:…


Let’s look at the conditions making infection with SARS covid 19 more dangerous:
1. Heart failure: the risk can be reduced and if you or your loved ones have heart failure a whole food plant based diet can improve their health :…/plant-based-diets-treat-heart-…
Furthermore, heart disease in general can be reversed as shown by Dean Ornish:
and Caldwell Esselstyn:…/a…/83345/cardiology/way-reverse-cad
Cardiovascular disease kills 2000 people globally every hour: currently, 20 people an hour are losing their life to Covid-19. . Improving your cardiovascular health will not only reduce your risk of severe or fatal infection with Covid-19, but also provide long term improvement in your overall health.


2. Type 2 Diabetes:


The American Association of clinical Endocrinologist recommends a whole food plant based diet as the first step in treating type 2 diabetes:…/clinical-practice-guid…/comprehensive
The reversal of diabetes has been shown in multiple peer reviewed journals:…/arti…/pii/S0091743599905297… and


3. COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:


The majority of cases of COPD are attributed to smoking, hence smoking cessation is the number one recommendation to improve your health! . However, there is also scientific data to show improved pulmonary (lung) function through increased consumption of whole fruits & vegetables: and
Eating meat on the other hand is a risk factor for developing COPD:…/full/10.1164/rccm.200607-969OC and here:


4. Hypertension:


The risk of developing hypertension could be reduced as much as 60& by switching to a whole food plant based  diet:…/678E54EF633FD623EF778BE1BA743C6A


5. Cancer: following a plant based diet reduces the risk of developing any cancer by  15% cancer:…/full/10…/10408398.2016.1138447


6. Age and ageing: you cannot change your age but the effect of ageing: telomeres are the parts of your genes keeping you young: you can halt the clock: read here:…/PIIS1470-2045(13)70366…/fulltext


In summary, a whole food plant based diet can reduce the risk of a number of conditions as outlined above associated with poorer health outcomes.   diet: 


Please follow the most up-to-date HSE advice


Stay well and eat plants: for specific immune strengthening foods see my post from 14th March. For switching to a whole food plant-based diet take part in the challenge:
Sign up for the challenge here: