This includes:
- At least eight antenatal visits in our new surgery with consultant Obstetrician Dr Bartels MD FRCOG
- At least eight ultrasound scans by Dr Bartels
- Plus at least three visits with our midwife Michelle O'Sullivan.
- Additional visits to the above can be arranged if you need extra reassurance between visits or problems have developed
- You have full access to telephone advice via our practice manager who will discuss your concern with Dr Bartels or Midwife Michelle O'Sullivan or advise you to attend; you can also call Michelle O'Sullivan directly. You can reach Dr Bartels directly via the hospital switchboard or on his extension.
- When you come to the hospital you will be seen by consultant obstetrician Dr Bartels MD FRCOG. He will also attend your delivery and perform any surgery necessary for your pregnancy and delivery[1]
- At least one visit after your delivery with Dr Bartels for follow up
- Full breastfeeding support by Midwife Michelle O'Sullivan. This includes preparation during your pregnancy and full assistance with breast feeding when your baby is born.
[1] Dr Bartels will attend in person for you any time between Monday 8am and Friday 2pm, day and night. Dr Bartels will see you on the weekend when he is on call (one out of four weekends). When Dr Bartels is not on call or is on annual or study leave another consultant colleague will come in on his behalf. Dr Bartels insures that any colleague standing in for him is of sufficient training to provide the high standard of care you have a right to expect.